Miranda Butler, Nos. V-VII, First Book: Poverty, Chapters 15-25

Miranda Butler

Miranda Butler

Miranda Butler is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of California, Riverside, where she studies Victorian reading and writing practices, historical media technologies, and evolutionary discourse.

Chapters 15-18 Illustrations

Mr. and Mrs. Flintwinch. Illustration by Phiz.

Mr. and Mrs. Flintwinch. Illustration by Phiz.

The Ferry. Illustration by Phiz.

The Ferry. Illustration by Phiz.

Chapters 19-22 Illustrations

The Brothers. Illustration by Phiz.

The Brothers. Illustration by Phiz.

Miss Dorrit and Little Dorrit. Illustration by Phiz.

Miss Dorrit and Little Dorrit. Illustration by Phiz.

Chapters 23-25 Illustrations

Visitors at the Works. Illustration by Phiz.

Visitors at the Works. Illustration by Phiz.

The Story of the Princess. Illustration by Phiz.

The Story of the Princess. Illustration by Phiz.