Marty Gould
Associate Professor of English
University of South Florida
Marty Gould is Associate Professor of English at the University of South Florida. He is the author of Nineteenth-Century Theatre and the Imperial Encounter (Routledge 2011), a book that investigates the Victorian theatre’s role in producing and disseminating imperialist images and ideologies. His interest in theatre and popular culture extends to the field of adaptation studies. Supported by a Marie Curie Fellowship funded by the European Union, Dr. Gould is currently researching early dramatic and cinematic adaptations of Charles Dickens’s novels. He has a particular interest in understanding how plays and film adaptations interpret—and help us reconsider—nineteenth-century literature.
Dayanara Saucedo
First I would like to thank Marty Gould for his thoughts on book 4. I would agree, in that book 4 is mainly about vision and how we see others and how other people see things; different perspectives. Something that caught my attention when talking about vision in Middlemarch, was when Gould had said “Seeing other people, carries with it a kind of moral imperative.” Vision and seeing things clearly, is an essential aspect of life, we need to understand what we and others see and how that affects us and our surroundings. Gould talks about how in the book Middlemarch, Lydgate is going to get married with Rosamond, but that he isn’t really seeing his future right, that he’s “blind” as to what the future will bring. Whereas Dorothea, is looking at what’s happening to her marriage clearly. She sees that her marriage with Mr. Casaubon is like a prison and Will is the small light she sees in rare occasions. Gould also talks about how in Chapter 39, Mr. Dagley tells Mr. Brooke that he’s a bad landlord, and Mr. Brooke is shocked and asks Mr. Dagley if he’s drunk. Which Mr. Dagley replies to him saying “He’s a man for the Rinform (reform)… what I’n got to say.” Which basically means that there’s reform coming and it’s going to punish all the bad landlords like Mr. Brooke. Here’s where vision comes in again, now Mr. Brooke, for the first time, sees himself from a different point of view, and thinks that he has failed all his tenants. He believes that he’s a bad guy for not noticing the change from when Caleb Garth was the manager of his estate. Gould also says that he believes that George Eliots main question for Book 4 is “What is our proper sphere of duty?” And I believe that, that’s where the theme of vision comes in and that we need to see and understand how our words and actions affect those around us.
Sammyy Suarez
This idea ,that Professor Marty Gould presented , of reading novels because we are curious of how others see the world and their perspective,is something I found fascinating because I had never thought of reading in such a way, so thank you Professor Gould for sharing that. Also, this theme of vision, of seeing others and their relations between each other, got me thinking of how in the book it is also shown that your social class decides how valuable your “vision” is to others. On page 346, the narrator explains how Mr.Vincy’s vision on Lydgate was not at all positive, and how he opposed the idea of him marrying his daughter Rosamond. It also demonstrates how even though his perspective on Lydgate was not at all good he still agreed with the marriage because “his own position was not advantageous “ and he was scared about “being worsted in dialogue with a better educated and more highly bred than himself”. Therefore this shows that because Mr. Vincy was part of a lower class than Lydgate, his vision on him had no importance.
Yasmine Carrera
First and foremost I thank Mr.Gould for providing us with this insightful and stimulating commercial. Book 4 like stated by Gould, is about vision and how people comprehend each other as well as the things/environment that surrounds them. Book 4 in essence introduces the idea of different outlooks and standpoints on life and certain situations, some of the ones demonstrated in Middlemarch were financial and social situations where if you weren’t in good financial standing then your outlook on life did not really have any significance to the higher class and so because of this the lower class people of middlemarch in book 4 were constantly trying to gain a more advantageous position . The question posed by Mr.Gould “what is our proper sphere of duty?” was intriguing because it can mean several things, but I connected it most with the idea that we, from the moment that we are born begin to develop and expand on our passions & who we were meant to become, but sometimes certain situations hold us back from doing whatever it is we are passionate about and for Mary Anne Evans it was being a women.
Nàthaniel Nevels
Thank you Marty Gould so much for giving an overview of book 4. I would have to about book 4 being about perspectives and visions. We see that in book 4 when Mr. Right arrives without notice at the funeral. We are aware that Doeothea is a very curious person. She is so eager to know who a person really is because the narrator points out that ” One is constantly wondering what sort of lives other people lead, and how they take things.” That was for Dorothea because she’s ashamed that nobody is really commected. Everyone is caught up in their own world, by trying to find their true love in people who are older or finding ways to gain money. The idea of selfishness is a huge factor. As the story unveils itself, we start to see that dorothea comes to a sense on who Casaubon really is. Casaubon is jealous in some ways like when he found out that Dorothea secretly tried I invite Will to the Grange without telling him. He tries to really hide his true identity by staying calm. Again, the eagerness pre-judgement that Dorothea has about people really hurts her because her assumptions on people can really backfire. We start to see that through Casaubons actions throughout the story.
Adamaris Maldonado
Thanks to Marty Gould for his thoughts on Book 4! One thing that caught my attention is how Gould talks about the contrast between Lydgate’s marriage and Dorothea’s marriage. Lydgate is walking blindly towards his relationship with Rosamund, he is unaware of her true intentions. Chapter 36 talks about Lydgate’s past relationship with Laure, “And Lydgate fell to spinning that web from his inward self with wonderful rapidity, in spite of experience supposed to be finished off with the drama of Laure.” In this relationship, Lydgate was also blind and he is repeating his mistake with Rosamund. Gould said Lydgate “can’t afford, can’t pay” his debts and it shows how he also can’t afford to be blind either. Whereas Dorothea, with the help of Will, has new vision and is clearly seeing how her marriage with Mr.Casaubon has trapped her. With Will, Dorothea can finally be herself and not as “Casaubon’s wife” as others see her.
Juan Zavaleta
One thing i found interesting and agree with Professor Gould is that book four talks about the way people see others through their perpective. In book four we see how Casaubon doesn’t like Will at all and believes that he is manipulating Dorothea into leaving Casaubon. Thus, Casaubon wants Will to leave Middlemarch. Will believes that Casaubon isn’t right for Dorothea and that she is making a mistake by staying with him. Will does not trust Casaubon and thinks he is very different and strange. Will decides that he will stay only for the sake of Dorothea’s safety. Dorothea believes that Casaubon isn’t paying attention to her anymore and that Casaubon should help Will financially when he dies. In conclusion we get to see alot about what people think about each other and the way they feel.
Lesly Aguilar
First of all I would like to thank Professor Marty Gould for his commercial on book 4. One thing that caught my attention on what Professor Gold said was vision and other people’s views. I agree on this matter because thought book 4 we see how every character see each other and their thought. We see how many characters are blind and talk about them like if they know them personally. Yes we see that every rumor or news gets around the town but we don’t get to know them until we understand who they really are. Like Professor Gould say they are blind. They don’t see the reality of what’s going on. In conclusion yes we see everyone and thing differently but that shouldn’t make us blind and not see things clear.
Yulimar Ramos
I would like to start off by thanking Professor Marty Gould for the wonderful overview of Book 4. Professor Marty Gould talks a lot about people’s perspectives and views and I found that every interesting because it seems to me as we walk along all the books people’s perspectives seem to change. It is easy to note the Dorothea was blind and is slowly being revealed the truth about her “perfect life”, Will seem to be the key factor of Dorothea being able to look past the the superficial aspect of her life. Something else that Professor Marty Gould mentioned was the passage in where George Elliot states that Will was like a illuminating light that shined through Dorothea’s prison walls, I find this very ironic because if we can recall In book one, Dorothea seemed to be the one that was self enlightened and now she is being blinded with other perspectives BUT through Will she is able to regain herself.
Perla Rizo
Thank you Marty Gould on this great overview of book 4. What really caught my attention was when Professor Gould started talking about perspective , visions and view. He mentioned how at the beginning of the book 4 it begins with featherstones funeral which we are not actually there but we are watching it from far away like a window. A distance view. It also caught my attention how Professor Gould quotes one of Dorothea”s sayings like “It seems to me we know nothing of our neighbors, unless they are cottages”referring to the fact that we actually don’t know this person until death comes in the way we recognize them for who they were. A question that Professor Gould ask was “why do we read novels at all?” and his response was that we read them because we are curios about other people and we wanna know what the world looks like in other perspectives. I thought his response was amazing because it’s good to know a person like a neighbor and for who they are. When Professor Gould mentioned Dorothea’s quote it made me think that we should cherish all people because we never see whats going to happen. Life is full of mysteries.
Allan Garcia
Before starting I would like to thank professor Gould for his wonderful commercial on book 4 of middle march we see how professor Gould starts talking about the funeral of Featherstone which is the beginning of book 4 and shows how Dorothea and Celia are watching from their home. Proffesor Gould talks about one of his central interest from book 4 which is vision in observing people and understanding oneself and how you are blind to other people. From the book Professor Gould also talks about Dorothea We see dorothea coming into a new vision of herself and her husband and the problems with her husband in contrast to Lydgate. Professor Gould also talks about perspective of the characters a lot like Mr.Brooke being a landlord and how people want to see bad things happen to him and Mr.Brooke decides to bring Garth to take care of his estates.
Gabriel Juarez
I agree with Professor Marty Gould that book four is about vision and how there are different perspectives being shared. For example with Dorothea, Casaubon and Will, we see that they all have different perspectives of each other: Casaubon doesn’t like Will especially because he has been getting close to Dorothea; Dorothea does like Will but in a brotherly fashion, she’s completely blind or unaware of Will’s crush towards her ; Will likes Dorothea but dislikes Casaubon. In fact Casaubon’s dislike for Will grows even more in this book because of Dorothea’s suggestion to help Will by giving him part of their income. Casaubon even tells Will that he is forbidden from entering Lowick. We also see how Mr. Brooke’s vision of himself changed after visiting the Dagley Family: Mr. Brooke had always thought that the Dagleys liked him when in reality they hated him for being such a terrible landlord. That was the reason why Mr. Brooke asked Caleb Garth to manage his estate in the next chapter. I think it’s interesting how this book began with them watching the funeral from a upper floor, or rather, from a different perspective because throughout the rest of the book we are seeing all the different perspectives everyone has on eachother.
Nancy Hernandez
First of all I want to thank Professor Marty Gould for taking his time into producing this helpful video summing up book 4 for us. Something that I love of this commercial was how Professor Gould related book 4 to present day politics, referring to the character of Dorothea and how she wanted to help the people in her neighborhood and anyone that needed the help. Dorothea says that we fix problems like hunger or poverty by reaching out and fixing the problem in our community/neighborhood. He contrast his to present day politics and how some plan to build a wall to keep out current type of people instead of offering them some help. In this case, in this novel we have Dorothea and Mr.Garth that argue that the obligation is to look over the wall to see how “our neighbors are living” and how they can help. I found this really interesting because I wouldn’t have thought about this incredible connection of the Middlemarch era and the present day. This can also link to how Mr.Garth was brought the the Middlemarch community due to Mr.Brooke having a different point-of-view of himself and realizing that he wasn’t necessarily doing his job correctly and decided to call Mr.Garth to come manage his estates. For Mr.Garth it was just horrible to that their a much bigger issue than initially thought of. Book 4 had all to do with versions and perspectives. I really enjoyed book 4 and Professor Gould’s commercial.
Breana Davidson
I give my thanks to Mr. Gould for giving us his insight on book 4. I like the idea Professor Gould brought up about seeing and perception. We as people observe others out of curiosity on a daily, and so do the people in Middlemarch. Everyone just wants to see what the others see, and it’s also understandable that the people of the lower class would want to see how things are for the upper class. I also thought that Professor Gould’s point about being blind was very significant. Dorothea for the first time saw what Cassaubon was really like, she was no longer blinded by her perception him. Dorothea was initially blinded by her wanting to be married to someone like Cassaubon. But finally her visioned cleared, and we all know that the only way to see clearly is to see the truth.
Also I had never thought of reading as seeing someone else’s perception of something but that notion makes sense.
Michael Carrillo
In the video by Marty Gould which I give thanks to,he talked about that in book four it’s about vision,seeing oneself,seeing who people really are.It’s good when he says this because we need to see how people in our day to day lives has affected us and made us who we are. So we need to beware on which people we choose to hangout with.In book four Dorothea says a quote,”why do we read novels?” What Marty Gould said was interesting to me because he said the reason why “was to see the world from other people’s perspective”. Dorothea begins to become curious about the people she lives with and she wants to know them upfront. Dorothea gets a bad vision of herself and her husband which later causes to separate them and the problems with her husband in contrast to Lydgate. In conclusion, we noticed that rumors are always happening in the book but you never know that most of them could be lies and then people will think wrong of who you really are , the best way to actually meet them is to have a conversation and not by rumors.
Oswerd Xol
Thank you Marty Gould on this custom made commercial on book 4! The mention of seeing and perspectives changing throughout book 4 made me take a closer look on Lydgate and Rosamond’s relationship. Lydgate is delusional when viewing his future with Rosamond thinking that Rosamond will “…create order in the home and accounts with still magic, yet keep her fingers ready to touch the lute and transform life into romance at any moment” (p. 352). He expects that she will make his life perfect without taking in account Rosamond’s point of view. Also Marty Gould mentioned how Lydgate can’t afford the debt he is putting himself into, further proving his blindness in his marriage.
Luis Jimenez
Thank you very much Professor Marty Gould for this insightful and very helpful overview in book 4 in which i couldn’t agree more in your conclusions for this book. Perspectives change in this book, we can agree that people start to realize things they didn’t see before whether if they didn’t notice it or whether they were just ignorant to see reality. To expand on this the quote you used first i believe describes the whole book in which we are interest in understand what others are up too. like us i believe Eliot shows the audience this deeper meaning in the book so that we not also question why they acting like this but to question our selves as well. Overall Dorotheas comment during the event is more than just a regular question she pondered but a question that i believe reflect the whole aspect in the book for some parts.
Jose Juan Martinez Garcia
First and foremost I would like to that Professor Marty Gould for his very incite full message regarding Book four of Middlemarch. I agree that vision is an important thing in this book. We use our eyes to see. Featherstone’s funeral is large and impressive in accordance with his wishes. Dorothea and the Brookes watch the funeral from a window. This window provides a way for them to spectate the events happening around them. Also it seems as if that there location is very good. They are able to see everything and invade people’s privacy. Privacy seems hard to maintain because of vision.
Liliana Mejia
I would like to thank Professor Marty Gould for taking time of his own to make our Book 4 commercial. We really appreciate these commercial they help us understand the text more. I would like to agree with Professor Gould in how book four everyone has their own perspective and how it changes along the way. For example Dorothea thought she had made the best choice in marrying Casaubon because she thought he would help her grow. Now she is doubting herself and is not happy with how she living. Even Will thinks Casaubon isn’t the right person for Dorothea and will stay in MiddleMarch for her. I believe that perspectives are a big thing in this book because they change a lot throughout the book. It’s like when meeting a new person you may think they are something else but when you actually get to know them you realize you were wrong.
Aileen Hernandez
I agree with Professor Marty Gould with the idea of visions and perspectives. In book 4, we start seeing the emotions of each character and how they really feel about each other and the events that is going on. I think this a good thing because not only does it make drama and hook the readers but it also gives an idea of what a family is and how sometimes love is blind. It makes me ask myself if will is a good guy? We have Casaubon with Dorothea, and Lydgate and Rosamond that seek something but are blinded by that goal that they ” affect ” each other in different ways. before we read this book it was said that ” everyone is selfish at one point”. I believe this is the process of each character showing each other their desires
Victoria Garcia-Lopez
I would first like to thank Mr. Marty Gould for his commercial on Book 4. Now, the key point that I found the most interesting was that not only is the entire book, Middlemarch as whole centering around the theme of vision but it is especially the main theme in book four. In book four, vision is its own role in the story, Its role being of important significance in each character individually and with each other. I agree with Mr.Gould about the idea of vision implying several things regarding sight. Vision throughout the plot brings in how the characters see themselves or others, different perspectives, having a blurry altered image versus a clear vision. Seeing things clearly, is something that challenges oneself’s, often what we do not want to see are the problems or the flaws. By altering them and not understanding how things truly are in reality, we are blinding ourselves and others. The same way many of characters are blind to each other. For example Lydgate’s relationship with Rosamund is nothing but a blind man watching the sunset during a storm. Lydgate is going to marry Rosamond but he doesn’t see it himself, he doesn’t see he is repeating his history with the women he loves. Hes blindly falling head over heals the same way Dorothea did without truly taking in consideration who they are. This leaves me to question, When one is blind to others is it by free will?
Natalie Montenegro
Thankyou Professor Marty Gould for sharing your thoughts and insights of Book 4 with us! It was interesting how Professor Gould mentioned Dorothea being “shut-in imprisoned in a stifling marriage” and Will is “like a window onto a sunny or happier world”. This allows us to see how Dorothea was not happy in her marriage with Casaubon, rather it was an act. She was not able to speak out her feelings and opinions without being turned down by Casaubon. I like this metaphor that was mentioned because Will is the sunlight in Dorothea’s dark cloudy days. Vision is important to book 4 but as well as the Middlemarch in general. As Professor Gould said, “clear vision turns into action.” In order to understand each character’s perspective and get a better understanding of the situation, one has to step into each other’s shoes. When Will explained to Dorothea his background and relationship to Casaubon, she realized that he deserved the money more. She allowed herself to hear Will out and saw the situation from his perspective which opens up a sense of realization within her that she doesn’t deserve the money. This also allows us to see that Dorothea has a soft side for Will and she is willing to give up something that was given to her up for someone else which shows she’s open minded.
Yvette Rodriguez
First, I would like to thank Professor Marty Gould for taking time and making this wonderful commercial on Book 4. One thing that caught my attention was how he mentioned the use of perspective. How many people tend to have different perspectives on certain things. He mentions how Dorothea is very curious and tends to know what otherwise thinking he connects that with perspective, since we are curious of how the world is viewed from other people’s perspective. Another thing that caught my attention that Professor Gould said is when he mentions when we are “blind” to other people. I never really notice this before and it stood out to me When Gould mentioned it. It made sense to me when he initially states that Dorothea was blind to her marriage, yet her guiding light was Will.
Daniel Ramos
Before I get into any thoughts to Book 4 , I want to thank Professor Gould for taking this time to share his thoughts with my peers and myself. Now I do agree with Professor Gould take on Book 4 which was curiosity. I feel that this idea of curiosity is introduced to us in a very earl point in the book because , we see Dorothea and ow she wants a older man as to teach her the knowledge that she seeks. Another idea that I feel should be talked about is on how everyones has a perspective and how this could be overlooked by people because they are focused on getting what they want at that particular moment . I believe this because like Prof. Gould said when Dorothea saw will at Featherstone’s funeral her on the fence feelings towards Casaubon changed from knowledge able to seeing him as something she regrets because she was looking for someone older in the past and now as her Perspective change she’s fancying Will more . Once again I will Like to thank Professor Marty Gould again for helping us explore some new thoughts and help us broaden our horizons!
Valary Campos
Thank you to Mary Gould and his thought through book 4. It is always interesting on hearing different perspectives towards a certain topic, and for Mary Gould had brought up vision. This was very interesting because people tend to vision or see a thing a certain way while others may see if different and it can affect that one individual or many others around the one person. As in Middlemarch, Lydgate is going to get married with Rosamond but is not to clear on what the future might be and is blinded by the idea of the situation, but to Dorothea in the other hand has a clear vision of the marriage of her marriage with Mr. Casaubon. Goul also brings up in Chapter 39, about Mr. Dagley telling Mr. Brooke that he is a bad landlord and Mr. Brooke isn’t pleasent with the comment made so he Mr. Dagley if he was alright. Mr. Brooke at first sees himself from a certain point of view but with the comment that was made towards him he lets the comment sink into his head and then starts to see himself from a different perspective and makes him think that he has failed and believes he is a bad guy for not noticing the change of Caleb Garth. In my opinion Vision would be the main theme towards book 4 because we as an individual have to be aware of our actions and be able to see other people’s perspectives on us.
Fatima Saravia
Thank You Marty Gould for your commercial on book four. Adding on to the ideas presented on vision and curiosity, I would like to state that the way we see things arises questions. For instance, in chapter 34, when Peter Featherstone’s will was being read and several inheritance’s were being dispersed to relatives, it was being viewed through a window by Celia, Casaubon, Dorothea, and Mr. Brooke. In this scenario, after Celia spots Ladislaw, it is mentioned that Ladislaw will be coming up to Lowick. Dorothea’s reaction is turning pale. The ideas of vision and curiosity are represented in this case because Casaubon objects his cousin’s visit. Vision-pertaining to the future-is seen because perhaps Casaubon has an instinct of curiosity in which he sees a connection between Dorothea and Ladislaw. It is perhaps seen through the body language both posses when interacting with one another.
So now every relationship in book four makes much more sense thanks to you Marty Gould. Everything is being seen with a different lens in regards to the attitudes of each character.
Juan Pablo Blanco
First I would like to give a special thanks to Professor Marty Gould for giving his thoughts upon book 4. I found it very fascinating on the way Professor Gould connects onto Dorothea characteristics mentioning deep thoughts on why we read such novels, and the reason for this is because “we are curious about people, you want to know what the world looks like from other people’s perspectives” and this comes naturally from Dorothea. She wants to know more about the people she lives alongside, the people she doesn’t know because they move in social circles. I like how the theme traces on Book 4 which is vision seeing- seeing oneself, seeing other people, etc. I found this interesting because it connects onto the relationship between each other, how different type of classes such as social reveals throughout these chapters. Another point that stood out for me was the contrast of Dorothea’s and Lydgate’s marriage, how Lydgate occasionally blinds towards his relationship with Rosamund, he doesn’t see where Rosamund is manipulating a little bit, whereas Dorothea comes into a new vision, new awareness of herself and her husband,the federal problems to her marriage.
Klarissa Ayon
I would like to appreciate Professor Marty Gould for taking our marathon serious and being able to make us a great commercial full of great information from Book 4. Something that really stood out when Professor Marty Gould was speaking was when he mentioned, vision. I realized that vision can cause someone to be “blind” or it can be seen as “seeing ourself and seeing others”. For example, Dorothea and Rosamund are two complete different people when it comes to being with their husband. Dorothea began to believe that it is unfair that Causabons will , will leave all the property to her. But in the other hand we have Rosamund manipulating Lydgate so that things can go her way the way that she wanted it to go. Here, we see that not everybody has the same perspective and not everybody is focused to what they have to do . I believe that by having a good vision you will be able to enjoy what you do or see because it will have a meaning to you and you will know how to value it.
Katherine Loera
Thank you professor Marty Gould for taking the time to make this commercial, I found your points interesting and agreed with your both points on vision as a important aspects in book 4 and the connections between the characters’ views on being obligated to help their neighbors and others in general to fix the big problem as it starts with them. I also saw the point of vision going through book four as Dorothea reflects quit often about her marriage and husbands peelings towards Laidlaw. I saw Dorothea take more piety towards her husband as the gap between them “widens” from Casaubon’s distance as he deals with his own insecurities blinding him from analyzing his family and work issues. In contrast, Lydgate is blinded as he rushes into his ‘good’ marriage but in reality we see him being manipulated renting a nice house and nice furniture for his blinded wife as she has yet to realize that her husbands actual status pertaining to wealth as she assumes and hopes he can provide for her. I think Eliot answers her own question- what is our obligation to other people?- clearly through other characters and by telling us the setting in book four being the summer of 1830 and George 4th’s death, she might believe that positive change comes from the upper class’ obligation to help others. It is Dorothea’s calling to help fix the cottages for the people, Lydgate is to help reform Middlemarch’s medical system, and Mr. Garth wants to help his neighbor knowing he is able to do so. Yet, will we see these things accomplished by the characters’? Will Mr. Brooke help reform to finally do good for his tenants? Or will these characters overlook or simply be unable to help others?
Alyssa Oneill
I’d like to start off by giving a warm thank you to professor Gould on the great overview of book four. Perspective is something that really caught my attention, and the vision and views of things. People are always curious about things especially when it comes to how the world works. Your explanation of things also got me thinking about the fact that if you aren’t as liked by many people or aren’t in the same “social class” as them they might not even take into consideration your views or visions. This got me thinking myself and whether or not my views are always seen. I also found interesting the way we see curiosity, Like when Dorothea seeks knowledge from someone who is “older and wiser”, she’s curious about things. Curiosity and views kind of all link together if you think about it. Because of the fact that Dorothea is so “curious” about many things and wants knowledge is that she believes that someone who is older might have more knowledge which is her views on things. And those views are going to get her what she wants.
Millie Sanchez
I would like to thank Marty Gould for dedicating his time to create this video to demonstrate his thoughts on book 4. I agree with Mr. Gould when he said that the purpose of reading novels is for interest and curious “of other people” because it is like entering a whole new world with characters that are just like humans. From the beginning we were introduced to Dorothea as a very original intelligent, curious young lady whom likes to help her own people whom she has much affection for. I can see clearly the importance of perspective and see through different angles. The act of sight and view is invested on in this chapter as Without the ability of sight one is claimed and labeled as blind but often times the “blind”are the more prosperous and wise people who see beyond the surface of someones skin and into their thoughts and reasons. The importance of this book is that Dorothea sees through a new light and her visions and perspectives are altered as she has had an awakening of self awareness and of the people around her. while she is finally opening her mind to the world of truth, Lydgate remains blindingly approaching his marriage with Rosamund who expects to be treated with delicacy and proper care. In sum, vision is a major point in chapter 4 in which one side as Dorothea start to clearly see and understand while other are still in the foggy sights of perspectives like Lydgate. Seeing is essential in understanding, interpreting, and urge the truth to clarity to improve and fix problems or overcome obstacles to help others.
Ricardo Giles
Thank you, Professor Gould, for taking your time and giving us your idea on Book 4 of Middlemarch and I would like to say that, I really like the way Professor Gould puts Book 4 as it highlighting an idea of vision and perspective. It brings about a great notion about our curiosity in the different perspectives of people. We see a perfect example of this with Dorothea as she just loves to figure out and know everyone’s perspective. She describes how she’d much rather like to observe someone face to face with some body rather than from a far as she is doing at the beginning of book 4 when they observe the funeral at the top of some structure.
Vanessa Zelaya
I would like to thank Professor Marty Gould for taking the time and making this commercial for book four. Professor Gould gives a brief summary of what book four was about but one thing that stood out was that he discussed the top perspectives. So perspectives are important because they are the way an individual views things and personally lazes things. The reason this is important is because since its ones thought, they can misinterpret it and see the situation in a completely different way, mostly in a negative way. In book four, perspectives play a big part especially for Casaubon and the reason being is that he lets his jealously and insecurity get the best of him. He see that Will and Dorthea have became close that then he assumes the worst and due to that sends Will away, creating tension. Proffesor Gould also includes the question, “why do we read novels at all?”, which he then states is because us, the readers, are fascinated and curious to see other people’s lives and perspective that they go by. This supports his overall statement that perspectives are highly important, and this implies not just to our lives but also to any novel or story we read. My intake on this is it that I completely agree with him and I feel like everyones’ perspective tells more about themselves, either for the better or for the worst. With that said, I would once again like to thank Professor Gould for his time.
Karla Paredes
Thank you Professor Marty Gould for sharing your perspective on book 4. One idea that I agreed with was that book 4 is about visions. I feel that book four is about visions of the future and most of the book is preparing us for what is to come. Many things are foreshadowed in this book and we get an understanding of the characters. We are introduced to a new character, Mr. Rigg the illegitimate son of Mr. Featherstone. He is going to inherit all of Mr. Featherstone’s money and land therefore we can conclude new trouble and debate over wealth and power will begin. Fred is sent back to school and this make us the reader imagine him coming back with a profession and finally getting the girl, Mary Grath. Lydgate and Rosamond start a new life together one to begins in debt because Lydgate purchase a lot of furniture for their new home. The tension with Will, Casaubon, and Dorothea also increases and it has gotten to the past the point of jealousy. Many events occurring in book four lets our imaginations run freely and think about all the possible outcomes. We are able to see the beginning of many changes and these visions help clarify the future.
Chris Canenguez
First of all, thank you Marty for your insightful view on book 4 of middlemarch. One of the themes he claims seems to be the centerfold of book 4, is vision, and I agree with him entirely. Throughout the book many of the characters interactions are seen perspectively by others. For example Dorothea’s insight of Mr. Casaubon’s relationship to other characters makes her feel guilty about the wealth she inherited. Throughout the book many of the characters actions are observed. Their perspective gives perception of their relationship as characters and how others awareness of other characters matter in their interactions.
Evelyn Cifuentes
I would like to thank Mr. Gould for taking his time to create this video for us. In book 4 we begin to see how the people in Middlemarch have different perspectives about others. In chapter 36 Mr. Vincy wasn’t positive about Lydgate nor wanted his daughter Rosamond to marry him, so he wants to convince Rosamond to postpone her wedding to Lydgate until he has a better income. Lydgate was blind in the relationship which didn’t let him realize the mistaking he was currently making, just like the past relationship Lydgate had with Laura. Mr. Gould compares Lydgate’s relationship to Dorothea’s relationship, which later on she realizes that she is trapped in the relation she has with Casaubon while spending time with Will.
Salvador Villafana
Book 4 is now more easier to understand with the help of this commercial, thank you Professor Gould for giving this informative lecture about book 4 in which helps all of us here. Thanks. With that said, I find it very interesting that the book begins with the funeral of Mr. Featherstone, while the entire theme, as Professor Gould said, was vision. During the funeral Dorothea comments on the people on how she finds it odd the way people are and to which causes them to live the life the way they lead. It causes Dorothea to have curiosity in society, a perspective of being in an another circle in society. This allows Dorothea to see and question the circles of which her social class is apart of and to which makes her see the realism of who she is and who others are. In chapter 37, Professor Gould states, that Dorothea in her quote says that each time she will see Will Ladislaw he will be her lunate to her self prison. I like this a lot because I feel that Dorothea had a perspective on an object, however, once she saw the object with a magnification she feels imprisoned by her situation and position. Dorothea begins to have a vision in her magnification that her relationship to Mr. Casuabon has been a regretful stupidity from herself, which makes her feel imprisoned. What I find crazy is that Dorothea had a vision originally that foresaw an expectation with marrying Mr. Casuabon in that she was hoping to gain knowledge. However, soon enough, the blur in the lenses were revealed and had shown to Dorothea that she does not really love Mr. Casuabon and in fact had an eye for Will. This is really interesting to me because it shows that the vision of others are and can be affected by the obstacle in front of them or something that has been seen as not what has been perceived by the individual. Thank you Professor Gould.
Angelica Vasquez
A big thank you to Professor Marty Gould for such an amazing commercial on Book 4! I have to agree on several points made by Prof. Marty, one of which is that vision and perspective are very important concepts in this book; especially in Dorothea. She has new visions and new awareness of those around her beginning with Mr. Featherstone’s funeral; they’re all watching from afar and Dorothea is curious about her neighbors. Not only this but also when Will returns to Middlemarch and visits Dorothea she see Will has a window of a sunny happy world on the contrary with her husband which she realizes when she mentions to Casaubon that Ladislaw should get some of his inheritance and not just Dorothea and Casaubon reaction to this makes Dorothea to awaken from what she saw her husband. Also we can see the tensions between a Will Ladislaw and his uncle Mr. Casaubon, “ Will Ladislaw on his side felt that his dislike was flourishing at the expense of his gratitude, and spent much inward discourse in justifying the dislike. Casaubon hated him – he knew that very well; on his first entrance he could discern a bitterness in the mouth and a venom in the glance which would almost justify declaring war in spite of past benefits”(pg.360). Will and Casaubon although they are family they have an increasing tension and separation since their dislike for one another is described as deadly with the words: “flourishing”, “bitterness”, “venom” and “war” to show the collision between uncle and nephew. Book 4 really emphasizes that we need to challenge what we see because there’s always more than what is on the surface and Prof. Marty Goud does a wonderful job of pointing out the main places where the idea of vision is being played out in Middlemarch.
Maggie Marroquin
Thank you Marty for taking time out of your busy schedule to share your ideas. I think that his insight on Dorothea’s character is very fascinating. He admires Dorothea and her curiosity. The idea of “seeing” is repetitively illustrated in Middlemarch. It seems almost as of Dorothea’s vision becoming clearer, like the blindfold is being removed from her eyes; the exact opposite of Lydgate’s and Rosamond’s marriage. Throughout book four we see that many characters begin to shift perspectives, or at least place themselves in others. I agree with Marty and believe that this might be one of the reasons Elliot constantly mentions optical allusions; Elliot is trying to show her readers that we need to be able to see others perspectives and how they intertwine with ours.
Jennifer Huerta Morelos
Thank you a Professor Gould on sharing this video with us on book four. Something that really caught my attention about what was said is how Will is seen as this window in Dorothea’s life. He is the window to her prison in which she’s in because she’s with someone who instead of being her happiness and light, makes her days dull. Dorothea started to see Will from a different perspective and even asked Casaubon to put Will on his will to inherit half of it which caused problems between the couple. Something else that caught my attention was how blind people are in this chapter, especially Rosamond and Lydgate. Rosamond is blind to see that Lydgate isn’t rich and is struggling with money in order to keep her happy and pay for the expenses since her family can’t help her because of Fred, so she’s dependent on Lydgate. Dorothea was blind when marrying Casaubon and her perspective on him changing once Will is in the picture. She thought he would help her grow, but now she’s seeing how dull he makes her life. Visions are changing and finding this clarity is helping with relationships but as well causing problems. The way that Professor Gould connected Middlemarch with our current situation here in the U.S was very interesting to me as well. How our politicians think that fixing the problems we have is by kicking them out and building walls but in the novel, it emphasizes that we have to reach out and fix the problems that are in front of us.
Sergio Lopez
I would like to start off by thanking Professor Gould for taking his time and sharing his thoughts on Book 4. One thing I would like to mention is the relationship between Lydgate and Rosamond. Professor Gould explains that Rosamond seems to be “manipulating” Lydgats. I agree with this since it is stated that Rosamond believes her finances will be covered by Lydgate since he is in a higher class than herself. She also does not question where his finances come from. Which brings my question: In this community, does the lower class act with less generosity as compared to the upperclassmen? I ask this question because Dorothea is acting with much generousity by stating that in order for a charity to happen, it must happen from a community rather than from one home. Dorothea does not want to seclude people out as Professor Gould explained. With the mention of Dorothea I would like to end with a question: Will Dorothea soon understand clearly that Casaubon is that the ideal “husband” She thought of?