LA Copperfield
The Personal History, Adventures, Experiences, and Observations of South L.A. Teens in a live production and exhibition blending movement, theater, and original writings. Inspired by the novel by Charles Dickens.
Foshay Learning Center, 3751 S. Harvard Blvd., L.A.
January 31 & February 1, 2020
Show starts at 6:00 PM
Doors open at 5:30 PM
Tickets: $5 General / $10 VIP / $10 at the door
Dickens festival
January 31 – 8:10-9:30AM & 10:10-11:30 AM
Miami Room, Foshay Learning Center
Behind-the-scenes activities include interactive presentations at various stations (Tea @ the Rookery; Heroic Moves Choreographic Lab; LA Copperfield: The Fotonovela Edition) for roving guests and students! About 1-1/2 hours, presented twice.
Dickens Conference
January 31 – 12:30-1:30PM
Miami Room, Foshay Learning Center
Selected students read short excerpts from their papers to their peers and to the Dickens Project reviewers, and others. Question and answer and comment period following the presentations. About 1 hour, presented once.
January 31 – All Day – Miami Room
February 1 – 5:30PM-8:30PM – Theater Lobby
Foshay Learning Center
LA Copperfield: The Fotonovela Edition is an installation inspired by ten installments of the photo-based comic serial written, designed, and published by the students of South Los Angeles. In the series, students relocate David’s story to their neighborhoods, re-imagining the places of Charles Dickens’s novel in their own city. Ventriloquizing the first-person, 19th-Century protagonist, students take us through all the ways their own personal histories, adventures, experiences, and observations transform the urban world into their home.
LA Copperfield: The Production. Experience the Personal History, Adventures, Experiences, and Observations of South Los Angeles Teens in a live production blending movement, theater and original writings.
LA Copperfield
The production culminates this year’s LitLab, an immersive study of the novel by Foshay Learning Center seniors of the University of Southern California’s Neighborhood Academic Initiative (NAI) program in their AP English classroom. Directed by Jacqueline Barrios and in partnership with the Dickens Project among others, LitLabs are interdisciplinary teaching projects that orchestrate guest experts from the experimental humanities, architecture, urban research, and the visual performing arts to imagine pedagogy for reaching new audiences of the long-form 19th-Century novel, especially for the 21st-Century urban teen reader of South LA.